Year 1 – PSHE

Year 1 – PSHE (Relationships)

In PSHE this half term, year 1 have spent some time learning about different relationships. We began by discussing the people that are important to us, and how we can show that we care for them. We talked about our families, and how some families may be similar, but every family is different in their own ways. We also took part in different activities to help us understand what it means to be a good friend, and what we can do to solve problems that sometimes occur within friendships. We put our acting skills to the test by acting out different scenarios, and explored different ways of mediating challenging situations.

When focusing on what it means to be a good friend, we discussed in detail the importance of being kind and respectful to others, even if we don’t always agree with them. We spoke about the sense of belonging in a friendship, and how this makes us feel. We also explored different ways of greeting people, and understand that the way we might greet a friend is different to meeting someone for the first time. We used our acting skills again to come up with different ways of greeting friends, and some of us even came up with secret handshakes!

What The Student Says

"I know I'm a good friend because if someone needs help with their learning then I help them."

"My friend is kind to me because if I fall over she will help me up."

"I care about my mum and dad because they care about me. They take me and my sister on holiday and they do lots of fun things with us."

"Sometimes when I'm feeling sad, my friend makes me laugh and it cheers me up. And if she is feeling sad I will make her laugh too to make her happy."

"It's good to share your toys with your friends to show that you care about them."

-Year 1 children

What skills were developed?

  • Listening to and being respectful of others' opinions
  • Speaking in front of an audience
  • Taking responsibility for our actions
  • Participating in discussions
  • Learning how to develop healthy relationships
  • Being respectful of others' differences
  • Understanding the importance of friendship
  • Understanding of how to navigate challenging situations

What the Teacher says

It has been lovely to see the children's maturity throughout this topic, and how their understanding of relationships has developed. The children can talk confidently about what it means to be a good friend, and how we can show others that we care about them. It was nice to hear the children discuss what it means to feel a sense of belonging, and it is clear that they all value the friendships and relationships that they have. When discussing how we can resolve challenging situations, the children came up with some great responses, and it has been fantastic to see some of these being used during break and lunch times. Well done year 1!

Miss Naughton - Class teacher

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