Dinosaurs- Nursery

Nursery – Dinosaurs

This half term we have been learning all about dinosaurs! We first discovered an egg in our outdoor area which was protected by leaves and twigs. There were lots of discussions about where the egg came from and what might be inside. We observed the egg for a period of time and all of a sudden it began to crack. Inside was a baby T- Rex. 

From this, the children immersed themselves in the topic of dinosaurs. We made our own salt dough dinosaur fossils, went on a dinosaur hunt, and discovered the different features and names of dinosaurs as well as creating digital pieces of prehistoric art. 

The main event was of course the educational visit from Teach-Rex. A very large and very special dinosaur called ‘Jam’ came to visit us. We all were super brave and gave his chin a tickle and some of us even pretended to get eaten by him. 

We then got to take a closer look at some baby dinosaurs and learned all about their features and what they eat.

What The Student Says

"They were here a long long time ago and now they are extinct."

"Lets go through the magic clock to dinosaur land. It takes us back in time."

"It has a really long neck"

"There are some that do eat meant and dinosaurs that don't."

What skills were developed?

  • planted seeds to observe and watch what happens when they grow.
  • Continued to deepen their understanding of rhyming words.
  • Secured their understanding on what a character, author and title is in a story.
  • Continued to develop their subitizing skills.
  • Developed an understanding that the last number they counted is the amount.
  • Took part in Easter themed activities and listen to stories around Easter.
  • Talked about what has happened in the past using past tense.
  • Continued to learn to write the first initial or more letters of their name.
  • Talked about differences from the past and now.

What the Teacher says

The children found the topic of dinosaurs very interesting which led to a lot of engagement. We have developed lots of oracy skills through the discussions around dinosaurs. I am super proud of the progress everyone has made over the half term.

Miss Morton- Nursery Class Teacher

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