Reception – Italy

Reception – Italy

Project Overview

Ciao! This half term Reception have been learning all about Italy. They have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the culture, the weather, the language, and of course – the food!

The children discovered that they had been sent a postcard all the way from Venice! We learnt that in Venice the people get around in Gondolas instead of cars, and that they have canals instead of roads. It’s very different to Leeds!

We then read the story ‘The Glassmaker’s Daughter’ which is set in Venice. In this story, a young apprentice makes the first looking glass and the glassmakers daughter learns to smile – at her own grumpy reflection! The children worked in groups to sequence the story, talking about what happened at the beginning, middle and end. 

The children then had a look at themselves in mirrors and spoke about their refelctions, before performing a mirror dance with their partners. The children had to ensure they communicated effectively so that they moved at the same time and in the same directions. 

We also enjoyed a super trip to Salute! The children had a go at designing their own pizzas before watching the chef create a pizza from scratch, but our favourite part of the trip was definitely tasting the delicious pizza!

To end the week, we had our own ‘Carnevale’. The children created their own colourful masks and wore them while dancing to Italian music. It was so much fun! 

What The Student Says

“The dough feels really soft and squidgy!”

“The Glassmaker’s daughter feels miserable – that means sad”

“It’s easier to copy her when she moves slowly”

“This is the nicest pizza I’ve ever had!”

“My mask has lots of colours and an orange feather”

What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • developed their communication and language skills by working as a team
  • improved in confidence when dancing in front of others
  • Developed their independent writing skills when designing pizza
  • Used their senses to describe how pizza is made
  • developed their fine and gross motor skills through exciting challenges.

What The Teacher Says

It has been so special to see the children so engaged with their learning about Italy. They find it so interesting to discover things about places that are different to where we live, and hearing them so excitedly talking about Italy has been amazing. I was so proud of how well the children communicated and worked together to perform their mirror dances.

The children thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Salute and spoke wonderfully about their experience using all of their senses. Well done Reception!

– Miss Barwick, Class Teacher

What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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