Year 4 – Vikings!

Year 4 – The Vikings!

This half term year 4 have really enjoyed learning all about the Vikings. We looked at all aspects of Viking life, from their home lives and the different ranks within society, to the fascinating world of the Norse gods and goddesses! All the pupils made very interesting and informed predictions when trying to match up the correct god to the correct description in our matching game, and were really surprised to find out how many different gods there were! We had some wonderful discussions surrounding Viking belief and Valhalla, and everyone made really mature and interesting points throughout this whole unit of work.

The children have enjoyed a wide range of activities in relation to this unit, such as creating fact files about their chosen gods, and producing freeze frames to show the different ranks in society. We had a lot of fun re-enacting the judicial system from the Viking era, in which those accused of breaking the law would have to be judged in a proceeding called ‘the Thing’. One of our classmates was accused of stealing a chicken from her neighbour, and banished to the woods!

The children have really loved learning about the Vikings and it has been a really fun and enriching scheme of work, and it will be great to see them take this knowledge further in our study of the Anglo-Saxons in Spring 2!

What The Student Says

"I have loved learning about the Vikings, it's so different to how we live our lives today"

"I went to Jorvik Viking centre and so I got to use what I learned about the Vikings while I was there!"

"I like the way Vikings write using runes and I liked writing my name using runes"

"If I lived in the Viking times I would hopefully be a King because they had the most fun and had the best lives!"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills

  • had mature and interesting discussions surrounding different beliefs

  • improved in confidence when performing in front of others

  • studied in detail the lives and beliefs of the Vikings

  • had debates surrounding their opinions on various aspects of Viking life

  • used prior knowledge to make predictions

What the Teacher says

It has been amazing to see how much the children have enjoyed this unit of work, and we have really had a lot of fun teaching it!

Their imaginations have gone wild whilst studying the Vikings, with regular discussions about all aspects of Viking life and the opportunities to reenact some of these elements, its been a please to see the children so engaged. We are so excited to see how they progress in their studies of history, particularly with the upcoming unit on Anglo-Saxons!

- Miss Morrison and Mrs Jones.

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