Nursery- Let’s Celebrate

Nursery – Let’s Celebrate

Project Overview

This half term we have been learning all about different celebrations including Halloween, Bonfire Night, Diwali and of course, Christmas! 

We started our the half term by learning about the different ways people celebrate. This included Halloween, Bonfire Night and Diwali. We enjoyed roasting marshmallows around the campfire to help us to understand how to keep safe around fires. Not forgetting our visit from the fire service where we got to experience sitting in a fire engine and have a go at using their long hose pipe. We especially enjoyed dressing up in spooky Halloween costumes for our Halloween disco and exploring light and dark, as well as colours and patterns to support our learning about Diwali. 

We ended our term by enjoying lots of festivities around Christmas! After the arrival of ‘Elf on the Shelf’, who explained that Santa was feeling stressed with all the present wrapping and asked for our help, we worked hard in Santa’s workshop to write Christmas cards, wrap presents and read Christmas stories in front of the warm and cosy fireplace. Realising that we needed to tell Santa what we would like for Christmas, we all wrote him a letter and walked to the post box for the post man to deliver to the North Pole. We were all super excited for our Christmas party so we used our gluing and sticking skills to make paper chains and decorate our very own party hats ready to do lots of dancing. During our party we also practiced our turn taking skills by playing games like pass the parcel and pin the nose on Rudolph. 

To end our celebrations, we made our grown ups and teachers super proud by developing our performance skills for our Christmas Show. We put on our special costumes ready to dance and sing in front of an audience. Everybody was so impressed with how well we all did and with how brave we all were!

As we have been so good this half term we had a special visitor come to see the us to and delver presents for all the good boys and girls!

In the middle of all this celebrating we have developed our understand of 2D shapes and used this to create shape pictures, began to use language around size including big, small, long and short and used the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ to make story maps and develop our ability to sequence stories. 

What The Student Says

“I’m going to be really brave and go on the stage.”

“You have to ring 999.”

“This is a really long decoration.” 

“Look Santa, this is you on the wrapping paper”

“I’ve put a star at the top of my tree and there are circles”

What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their turn taking and sharing skills
  • improved in confidence when performing in front of others
  • followed instructions carefully 
  • developed their fine and gross motor skills through exciting challenges 
  • developed their imaginations when taking on roles in Santa’s workshop

What The Teacher Says

It has been such a fun and exciting half term with the children. They have developed s much language and the magic of Christmas has really made it special. The children’s confidence has grown so much over the last few weeks and it is so lovely to see them building more and more friendships. I cannot explain how proud of how well they did in their first Christmas show, they well and truly smashed it! I am looking forward to lots more fun and learning to come over the year.

– Miss Morton, Class Teacher.

What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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