Year 2 Science

This half term in science we have been learning about keeping our bodies healthy. The children have explored the importance of exercise, eating the right foods and being hygienic.

To begin our topic, the children carried out an investigation into the effect of exercise on our bodies. The children did different exercises and were asked to think about what was happening to their bodies. They had to think about how different exercises made their bodies feel. After a lot of running and ball skills, it was fair to say that a lot of the children felt exhausted!

During this topic, we have also had the opportunity to think about what we eat and how we can eat the right things. While learning about the different food groups, the children designed their own lunch boxes and made sure they filled them with lots of healthy snacks. We even tasted foods from the different food groups such as apples, bread, sausages and cheese. The children were fantastic at recognising which foods belonged to each food group and deciding which foods we should put in our lunch boxes.

The children also enjoyed doing an experiment to find out more about our hygiene. We learnt about how important it is to wash our hands properly and what might happen if we don’t. As part of the experiment, the children put three slices of bread in bags with gloves, clean hands and dirty hands. Over the next few weeks, we will be observing what happens to the different slices of breads

What The Student Says

"Running is hard, my legs feel like jelly"- Year 2 pupil "My heart beats fast when I run"- Year 2 pupil "Apples are healthy. They are in the fruit and vegetables group"- Year 2 pupil "The slice of bread where we used our clean hands will still grow mould because washing our hands doesn't get rid of all the germs"- Year 2 pupil "The cheese tastes funny"- Year 2 pupil "I feel calmer when I am walking rather than running"- Year 2 pupil "The bread will be green and mouldy when we look at it next week"- Year 2 pupil

What skills were developed?

  • developed their knowledge of scientific techniques
  • developed their observation skills
  • developed their team building skills
  • developed their language and communication skills
  • developed their question asking skills
  • developed their motor skills

What the Teacher says

It has been amazing to see the children so excited for their science lessons. They have really developed their scientific skills and it is great to see them using these in their science lessons. - Miss Cannon, Year 2 Class Teacher

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