Year 6 – World War 2

Year 6 – World War 2 @ Eden Camp

When we introduced to the children that we were learning about World War 2, they were so excited. The children had such a thirst for this topic and it was amazing to see how much prior knowledge they already had. We first discussed what we knew about the war and how it impacted on daily life. The children had many family members who were alive or part of World War 2 and had lots of interesting stories to share. We then looked at a world map and discussed “The Allies and Axis”. The children then coloured a labelled a map to show the different countries involved. It was so interesting to look at the different countries and what made them want to join the side that they did. We also looked at the Prime Ministers at the time and their impact on the war. We listened to many radio clippings of war being declared and discussed what it must of felt like being there at that time. The children then went onto looking at evacuation and the process the children went through. As a class, we discussed the posters that were around at the time displaying how important it was to send children away. We role played leaving our parents and going to stay with strangers miles away from home. Throughout the half term, we also looked at The Blitz. The children created some lovely pieces of art work to accompany this. To finish the topic off, we took the children to Eden Camp and they absolutely loved it! The children were so enthralled in the museum and learnt so much extra knowledge about the war. 

What The Student Says

"This trip was so interesting. I learnt lots of new facts and loved looking at all of the replicas." - Year 6 child.

"When we got there, we didn't know where to start. There were lots of different huts and in each hut there was an experience of what it was like during the war. My favourite hut was "The Blitz". It was like walking down the street as it was being attacked. It was so realistic." - Year 6 child. 

"I have loved learning about the war. It was so interesting to see what life was like back then especially as a child. I don't think I would have liked it." - Year 6 child. 

What skills were developed?

  • developed their understanding of chronology and British history.
  • asked relevant and important questions about the past and begun to think about they could answer these.
  • considered different reasons of why events happened the way they did.
  • imagined what it would have been like as a child during WW2.
  • drawn conclusions based on artefacts they discovered during lessons and on a school trip.

What the Teacher says

"It has been an absolute pleasure to teach history this half term. The children have been so engaged and respectful of this period in history. The children have loved looking at different sources of information such as pictures, newspaper articles, radio clippings and other things. The trip to Eden Camp finished off the topic beautifully. All of the children were like sponges, soaking up the information in each hut. It was lovely to hear the conversations the children were having with each other about the different scenarios."

Miss Brennan - 6LB teacher.

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