Year 3- Writing a newspaper

Year 3 –  Creating our own newspaper report

Project Overview

This half term the children have been learning the skills to write their very own newspaper article. We hooked the children in by having large lily pads stuck all around the classroom and had them predict what could of happened… We then read the story TUESDAY and took the children to the pond to see our lily pads and tadpoles to hook them in further. The children then spent the day being very creative and created their own frog and thought of it’s background story. 

The children researched different newspaper layouts and spent time looking into what makes a perfect newspaper by identifying key features.  They read a variety of newspaper articles in our reading lessons to further support writing. 


What The Student Says

”My frog was a hero because he saved a people dying in a house fire. My newspaper was very positive about him”- year 3 child

”I loved drawing my own frog. She had lots of glitter on her because my frog robbed a school’s art room.”- year 3 child

What skills were developed?

The children have:

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • learnt to identify and include key features of a non-fiction text
  • wrote their own newspaper report with their own unique character and event timeline
  • researched different newspaper and non-chronological reports to support their writing
  • to use their imagination and creativity 
  • created a Newsround video in digital art
  •  become more secure in using dialogue in text

What The Teacher Says

“The children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves in the picture book TUESDAY. They then used their imagination to create unique artwork to decide a series of events their frog did. The children then created a newspaper report, reporting on these events.  They had lots of drama and outdoor learning opportunities this half term that supported their writing skills.”

– Miss Crowther- 3EC

What The Student Says

What skills were developed?

What the Teacher says

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