PE- Year 3 Hockey

This half term, 3FW focused on hockey as one of their two topics in PE with Miss Beaumont. A vast majority of the children had not played hockey before but this did not lessen their enthusiasm! All children were extremely keen to learn the various skills and rules within the sport. 

To begin with we focused upon the grip of the hockey stick and how to dribble. This was very confusing and the children had to really concentrate to ensure their hands and feet were in the right position. The children’s determination paid off and by week 2 children were confidently dribbling the ball, some at speed and with direction change. 

As dribbling confidence grew, we explored passing. Children enjoyed various passing activities including pretending to be different Toy Story characters as well as performing the slap pass and hitting the ball as hard as they could against the fence! 

Within these hockey lessons, children were able to analyse their own and others performances to provide feedback to progress. This is a fantastic skill to develop and shows a real understanding. Alongside this, children communicated well and showed respect for the rules of the game, equipment and one another. 

Children were able to utilise their skills in a number of activities including becoming zone champions, completing a set number of passes to score a goal and playing skittles with the hockey stick and ball! A fantastic unit of work in which children made amazing progress. Children were motivated to further their skills and came away with not just the physical skills of how to play hockey but also the social skills involved in a team game such as hockey. Well done 3FW!

What The Student Says

"I feel really proud, I can dribble now!" "I've enjoyed working with my friends and getting better at hockey" "I can do this!" "The slap pass is so much fun!" "Me and my team worked together in our game to try score a goal" "I liked being challenged and loved it when we managed to hit all the skittles down using the push and slap pass"

What skills were developed?

  • developed their communication and language skills
  • developed their passing skills in hockey including the push pass and slap pass
  • learnt the rules involved in hockey and can play various small sided games
  • progressed their dribbling skills with all children able to use correct technique. Some are able to change direction at speed and when under pressure
  • learnt to link their passing and dribbling skills in a game situation
  • Used their social skills to remain determination, communicate with their classmates and encourage one another

What the Teacher says

It has been a pleasure to teach 3FW hockey this half term. Their enthusiasm each week was fantastic and meant they soaked up feedback to really progress their skills. I loved seeing their sense of achievement when they mastered dribbling and passing and their excitement when they individually or collectively achieved a new skill within the sport. They have been a joy to teach and I look forward to seeing their game skills flourish and their social skills thrive. -Miss Beaumont- PE Teacher

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