3FW – Geography – The UK

The UK

In Geography we have learnt about the four countries of the United Kingdom. We learnt that the UK comprises; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We studied a map to locate the capital and major cities of the UK and we labelled these on our class map. We learnt about the different traditions of the different countries including the different types of food, music and dancing.

We looked closely at the  human and physical features of Leeds and compared these to The Lake District. We then thought about which location we would like to live in and gave reasons for our choices. We found out about the  climate of the United Kingdom and used weather symbols to show this on our class map. This new information made us think carefully about where we would like to live.

We looked at the topography of the UK and located Ben Nevis, Mount Snowdon and Scafell Pike. We even visited Ben Nevis and compared the weather with that in Middleton. We thought about how the topography influenced where Stone Age people built their settlements.

We used Digimaps to discover how our local area has changed since 1890. We noticed that our green areas have been replaced with industry, educational institute, residential areas and  commercial properties.

What The Student Says

"I enjoyed watching how the land use across Leeds has changed."- 3FW child

"It was fun using the atlas to find the different cities."- 3FW child

"I enjoyed putting the weather symbols onto our map." - 3FW child

"I liked learning about the differences between Leeds and the Lake District." - 3FW child

What skills were developed?

  • learnt the eight points of a compass
  • used maps, atlases and digital computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
  • asked and responded to geographical questions
  • made comparisons between locations using aerial maps

What the Teacher says

I have really enjoyed teaching the children about the United Kingdom this half term. They have been really engaged in the lessons and have enjoyed using the maps, atlases and Digimaps to locate different cities and landmarks.

The children carefully studied the human and physical features of Leeds and the Lake District and they had good discussions about the best place to live. It was lovely to hear them sharing their ideas and listening respectfully to each other.

- Mrs Widdows, 3FW Class Teacher

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